PlayStation 4 and Xbox One Preorders Open June 19th

Preorders for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will be taken starting at 4:30pm, June 19th, 2013.
Depending on turnout before 4:30pm, interested customers may be given a “numbered ticket” to hold their position in the preordering line and keep things organized.

We’ll be accepting a $50 deposit to hold your order, no more, no less. This deposit must be made with actual tender (CASH, DEBIT, CREDIT etc.)
This deposit can be refunded to cash at any time.

There are NO guarantees at this point.
Customers will be reminded of this when preordering. When we know more about the exact quantity we’re expecting we will change our gameplan accordingly. If for whatever reason we receive less stock than required preorders will be filled in chronological order. As such we will be limiting preorders on both of these consoles at 10 a piece at each location until further notice, so if you’re interested try to make it down as soon as possible!

We also cannot guarantee whether these consoles will be “Day One” or “Launch Editions”. Preorders will be filled with available stock.

If you’d like to hold off on preordering until things are a little more concrete we’ll be updating our site, FaceBook, and Twitter with further details as soon as they are available to us.

*Image care of