Tag Archives: sony

Featured Items June 9th to 15th, 2017

Featured Items Extended to April 27th, 2017

Boxing Week Sale December 26th – 31st, 2016

PNP Games at E3 2015

PNP Games will be at E3 2015! You can RSVP here to get daily updates from the show floor and first hand impressions of games and products. Please comment with any questions or requests you may have, we’d love to

Just the Facts: PlayStation 4 Edition

Sony unveiled major details about their next console (hold on to your socks) the PlayStation 4 last night in New York City! We’ve compiled a list of all the notable details as well as a quick FAQ at the bottom

Gran Turismo 5 Available Today!

After what seems like an eternity, the latest edition of the hugely popular racing series by SCE and Polyphony Digital has FINALLY arrived, ready to be played on a PS3 near you. Looking to grab a copy for yourself? Well,